Greenland Hiking Guide: Expert Tips for Your Next Adventure |

Greenland Hiking Guide:

Expert Tips for Your Next Adventure

Venturing deep into the remote fjord system of Southern Greenland, Jim, Founder & Director of Adventurous Ewe, joined forces with two Indigenous Greenlandic Guides to sculpt a journey unlike any other. Through their collective expertise, they’ve mapped an exclusive expedition through some of this vast island’s remote and untouched landscapes. Jim shares his invaluable insights below, preparing you for an adventure that promises to be nothing short of the journey of a lifetime.

Firstly, why go

‘When you’ve seen the world there’s always Greenland’ goes the old travellers’ saying. But why wait till then? Greenland is not a cheap destination, but few places combine such magnificent scenery, such clarity of light and such raw power of nature. Picture yourself traversing the pristine, ice-sculpted landscapes, where the silence is broken only by the distant roar of calving glaciers, the whistle of the wind and the gentle water lapping on the shore.

Moreover, with a new international airport set to open its doors in November 2024, offering direct flights from Europe and North America, Greenland’s allure is only set to rise. If you’re drawn to the vast, wild beauty of dramatic landscapes, icy fjords, and untouched wilderness, come with us this August for an unforgettable journey.

Join expert local guides

Our local guides are at the centre of this expedition and come from Aasiaat and Maniitsoq in Greenland. We believe that local guides are the key to unlocking the true essence of a destination. The deep-rooted understanding of the terrain, culture, and hidden gems allow us to curate meaningful journeys that go beyond the ordinary. When you embark on this expedition, you won’t just be shown around — you’ll be guided by experienced locals who are passionate about sharing their rich knowledge and love for their homeland. Plus you’ll get to enjoy the best camp coffee in the world spiced up with plenty of local stories and learn the tradition way of living off the land and sea.

Benefit of small group travel

We are inherently a responsible travel operator. Small group sizes allow us to visit a destination and local communities, not invade, and to be welcomed back time and time again. We pride ourselves on this commitment.

We focus on small groups with low guide ratio as we value the personal relationships and more authentic way of travel. You’ll not only witness extraordinary landscapes on this expedition, but also forge long-lasting friendships and gain a profound understanding of the culture and people of Greenland.

When to go

Greenland, a colossal island, experiences wide-ranging seasonal and geographical shifts, resulting in weather that is constantly shifting and unpredictable throughout the year. This unpredictability enhances the expedition’s raw and unfiltered essence.

For our remote expeditions the Greenlandic summer is more suitable. This period, from May to September, promises more hours of daylight.

Jim’s insider scoop

Check out some top tips below to help with your Greenlandic adventure…

  • Pack Light, Pack Right: The weather can be unpredictable. Layering is key—thermal base layers, a waterproof shell, and a sturdy pair of boots. And don’t forget your camera; the landscapes are relentlessly photogenic.
  • Embrace the daylight hours: With travelling in the Summer months, your adventure doesn’t stop when the clock hits ‘pm.’ Whether it’s kayaking through icebergs or trekking across the tundra, the days are yours to explore more.
  • Cultural Connections: Greenland’s heart beats through its communities. Take time to listen to the stories of the locals, taste the traditional cuisine, and understand the deep connection they have with the land.
  • Explore the Greenland National Museum & Archives in Nuuk: Immerse yourself in the rich and elusive intangible cultural heritage, and delve into the 4,500-year history of Greenland to deepen your understanding of this remarkable region.
  • It’s all about the Inuits: Note that the word Eskimo is considered an inappropriate term; Inuit is preferred.
  • Money matters: Most places accept card payments or digital wallets like ApplePay, so there’s little need to carry much cash.
  • Raise a toast: Bring along a small bottle of your favourite drink and cap off a remarkable day in nature with a toast, chilled by ancient glacial ice.

8 Essential Packing Tips for Greenland:

  1. Always Have Your Down Jacket Within Reach: The unpredictable weather in Greenland means temperatures can shift dramatically. Keep your down jacket close to adapt quickly and stay comfortable.
  2. Use Colour-Coded Dry Bags for Organisation: Sort your kit into coloured dry bags. This method is efficient for finding items and ensures everything stays dry and organised.
  3. Pack Heavy Gear at the Bottom: For better balance and to minimise back strain, place denser items, such as your sleeping bag, at the bottom of your pack.
  4. Bring your complimentary Water-to-Go Bottle: When you depart on this expedition, you’ll receive a free AE WTG bottle to help eliminate our single use plastic footprint in Greenland and give you the chance to enjoy freshly sourced water, safely.
  5. Adjust Your Backpack Properly: This is a self-sufficient expedition whereby you’ll carry all your own kit, tents, food and cooking equipment. A well-fitted backpack is key to avoiding discomfort during your treks across Greenland’s vast landscapes.
  6. Choose Layered Clothing with Zippers: For easy and quick temperature control, opt for clothing that layers well and includes zippers.
  7. Don’t Skimp on Quality Socks: Good-quality socks are a must for keeping your feet protected, warm, and comfortable as you explore the rugged terrain of Greenland.
  8. Train and trek with poles: Bring trekking poles to assist with navigating the uneven terrain. With traversing entirely off the beaten path, following only animal trails, trekking poles will provide essential support and stability.

Top tips for camping

Wild camping in Greenland offers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in one of the world’s last great wildernesses. Here’s Jim’s top tips to make your experience one to remember for the right reasons:

  1. Respect the Environment: Always follow the ‘Pack in, Pack out, Leave No Trace principle!  Minimise your impact by taking all litter with you and using small amounts of biodegradable soap for washing. Plus you’ll set up camp at least 200 meters away from water sources to protect local wildlife and water quality.
  2. Be Prepared for All Weather: The weather in Greenland can change swiftly. Ensure your tent is properly erected and secure. Plus keep what you need for during the evenings at hand ie. water-proofs, beanie, head torch, down jacket.
  3. Keep electrical kit warm: All camera, mobile phone, batteries, head torch warm at night (in sleeping bag).
  4. Pillow talk: Use down jacket as a pillow, stuff it inside your sleeping back cover. Plus you know where it is when you need to get up at night.
  5. Sleep tips: Always sleep with your head at the higher end of the tent.
  6. Where to store your kit bag: Put your kit bag at your feet to stop you sliding down your sleeping mat if you’re on a slight slope.
  7. Next day: Have your trek clothes at the top of your bag or even in the bottom of your sleeping bag, ready for the next day.
  8. Any rubbish: Bring some small paper bags to dispose of any rubbish in your tent. Take these back with you for disposal/recycle in Nuuk.
  9. Evenings in camp: Bring a pack of cards, book, head-phones, etc.
  10. Keep warm: Have a spare set of warm clothes and shoes to change into after a day of trekking.
  11. Don’t forget to check out the night skies in camp too: Download a star gazing app so you can identify stars, constellations, planets, comets and satellites.


Learn some Greenlandic

Whenever you travel to a new country, it is always a polite gesture to learn at least a few words in the local language. Greenlandic belongs to the Inuit family of languages. It is a ‘polysynthetic’ language, which means that words are formed with a root, one or more affixes and a suffix. A Greenlandic word can thus be very long and can mean what corresponds to a whole sentence in other languages. Here’s some useful words to help add to your Greenland experience:

Salutations and Greetings in Greenlandic

Aluu = Hello

Baj = Bye

Kumoorn = Good morning

Kutaa = Good day

Kunaat = Good night

Takuss’ = See you later

The exception is Takuss’ (shortened from Takussaagut) – which means “see you later”. This is something you’ll hear a lot!

Welcome – Tikilluarit

Saying “yes” and “no” is also fairly simple in Greenlandic:

    Yes = Aap

    No = Naamik

Qujanaq = thank you. This is often shortened to Qujan (thanks) and the person you say it to will probably reply with Illillu (“you’re welcome”).

Finally, as you travel around Greenland, you will want a word to exclaim at all you are seeing and experiencing. The best option: Torrak!, which means “awesome” in English.

One of Jim’s top highlights

Nature watching in Greenland is off-the-chart amazing! On the final day of the expedition there’s the option to paddleboard or kayak. Here you’ll find yourself, navigating through a maze of icebergs, marvelling at their diverse shapes and colours, from a safe distance. And then there’s the wildlife. This breath-taking scenery is enveloped by iceberg-dotted seas, crystal-clear blue skies, untouched landscapes, and rugged mountains, creating one of the most powerful punches of natural drama I’ve ever seen.

So get ready to embark on a journey to the heart of the Arctic with Adventurous Ewe’s Greenland Wilderness Adventure. This is not just a trip; it’s a human powered journey into the wild. If you have any questions or queries, feel free to get in touch with Jim at or WhatsApp +44(0)7747 346 588.